Like the Rest of Them (Now & Then)

What I like best about being in Vermont is that I am constantly being told that I am better than everyone else because I live in Vermont. And that just makes me feel better. Especially on a day that I found an old hidden bottle of vodka that is, indeed, making me feel better.

There’s only one thing better than hiding an old bottle of booze: Finding it.

I’m working a goddamn night shift now. It’s making me crazy.

I’ve been approaching it from the perspective that it’s okay to work a night shift, even when it’s just the kind of labor that people don’t want to see or hear or smell in the daytime. But then I meet my colleagues at the gate. Which leads me back to my bottle of vodka.

Like the rest of them, I repeat the wishfully obvious: It’s all just short term. Because, pretty soon, I’m hoping to be the next U.S. Senator from Vermont and a fucking millionaire just like the rest of them.